He Needed To Tell Me He Was Living With Someone

Why do men ALWAYS lie. I am starting to think that if their lips are moving that they are lying.

A few nights ago I met a guy through my friend Donna. I love Donna. She is generous, kind and sweet and one of those people who is always building bridges of light to others. So, she has a male friend named Dima who she hasn’t seen in a while and it turns out he has a friend named John. We all meet at this party and I hit it off with this John guy right away.

Why did I like him so much. Well first off he was well off. He was a sound engineer who was studying to be a lawyer. I thought that was great and that he would be the perfect mix of culture and smarts for me. He really seemed like my type.

Another thing I liked about it is that he was really positive and affirmative and he was always including me in his future even though I just met him. He kept making plans about what we would do in the future and told me how much he was looking forward to seeing me again.

Donna, who is a bit savvy then asks this guy John what his status is. He says that he is in the middle of a divorce which is fine as we both assume that this means that he no longer lives with girl.


I go out on two more dates with this loser and get really, very close – tongue in the mouth and the whole thing before Boy Genius finally decides to reveal that he is still living with his ex.

How do I find this out?

Well first of all he phones me and I use my call return to leave a number on his message machine. Then the next thing that happens is that I get a call back from him sounding all disconcerted. He tells me that it is probably not a good idea for me to leave messages there as his ex, who still lives with him, picked up the message. This enraged her so much that she apparently started kicking, punching and slapping him.


First of all what kind of guy stays in a house with his ex and lets her hit him in the first place. There was no way I was going to have any part of this. The thing that makes me angry is that he never told me he was not free. Can you imagine if I decided to pop in for a surprise visit one day.

To top it all off after I send him an email telling him I am not interested anymore he phones me and starts crying. What kind of baby starts crying after only knowing a woman for a few days? Then I realized that he was not crying because he “lost me” but rather that he was trying to manipulate me into staying in the relationship anyway!

Just another one to put on the list of Big Babies I have gone out with lately.