The Crib From Hell

Okay this is just a terrible story simply because it is so sad that some people have to live this way.

Tuesday I went out with this great guy. He was an advertising marketing executive and really cute, funny and sexy. I went out on two great dates with him – one to a Spanish tapas place and another to roller skating rink before I decided I would let him take me home to his place on third date.

The third date was actually a cooking class on How to Make Sushi and after the two of us stuffed ourselves with shrimp, avocado and other aphrodisiacs as well as some warm Saki I could hardly wait to rip his clothes off.

So we get to his place and the first thing I notice outside the door is the smell. It is this ammonia like reek and I ask him if he has cats or a litter box and he says, “No, I don’t know where it is coming from.” I soon find out when I visit his bathroom later. This man simply never learned how to “aim for the toilet.”

However the urine colored walls and floor in his bathroom was not the worst of it. The sink was coated in soap and shaving cream scum. The very worst thing was all of the hair that was everywhere – on the floors, the shower stall and even on the seat of the toilet. It was like a big shaggy dog lived there and not a person.

This however was not as gross as the kitchen, which was piled sky high with old dishes. On top of that was piled cardboard dishes and take out boxes. There were actually maggots crawling around the sink and at the base of the refrigerator where it appears he stood in front of door eating and drinking and spilling stuff on the floor.

The rest of the room was covered with magazines and clothing that look like it had all been whirled together in a giant invisible blender. Also every now and then were half full bags full of reeking garbage. It looked like he would try to clean up every now and then, fill half of a garbage bag and then forget about it. There was also a terrible reek coming from beneath his couch as I walked by and I did not even want to deign to guess what it could be – dead dog? Old pizza? Vomit?

My opinion of him changed immediately. What a turn off. I made the excuse that I forgot that I had an appointment at 7:30 in the morning and got out of there quickly. As I left he kept saying to me “Is it the place?” but of course I did not have the heart to just go yes. All I know is that a person that non-hygienic is probably not clean in other areas of his life and may be sloppy with things like STD and birth control. Who needs it?