The Violent Vegetarian

After this last date I am starting to wonder about this syndrome I keep encountering called the Violent Vegetarian. One would think that if a man was a vegetarian that he might be a pacifist or some kind of nice guy right? Not so.

I kind of got attracted to this person online because he seemed very knowledgeable about spiritual matters and also seemed to be very concerned with world issues. He was against all wars, pollution and even though he seemed quite political that last thing I would think is that he would be violent.

When we met online I did make it clear to him that I ate meat. He did seem a little put out and was making the occasional snide comment such as “You eat things that have a face?” but I didn’t take it seriously. I just figure you should not hold what a person eats against them and take it personally any more then you should hold a person’s skin color or anything else against them as well.

Anyhow this vegetarian had an opinion about everything including whether or not a woman should shave her legs, if O.J. was innocent, you name it. After debating the finer point of whether or not Dobermans are a violent dog or not I agreed to have a date with him.

I emailed him and told me to meet me at a Starbucks that has a near the beach. I got their first and was already sipping my latte when he showed up and sat down. He looked pleased to see me but at the same time he looked really upset. He just sat down, crossed his arms and stared at me. When I asked him whether or not he was going to get himself a cup of coffee at the self serve counter he just snapped at me and said “No!” When I asked why he said he would rather have nothing then drink coffee of a place that was so exploitive of the third world and that put so many genuine mom and pop cafes out of business.

Right at that point in time someone on the patio decided to light up a cigarette, which then cajoled him to put on a fit of exaggerated coughing. He was also stating insulting things in a loud voice such as “I bet you wear fur too.” And “I don’t want lung cancer thank you very much.”

He was then distracted from the smoker by the sight of a man riding his bicycle on the sidewalk instead of the road. “There’s nothing worse than a grown man riding his bicycle on the sidewalk” he exclaimed as he jumped up and then proceeded to run after the man who was riding on the sidewalk. He then pulled the guy off of his bike and scuffle ensued…

Wasn’t Hitler a vegetarian? Giving the crowd around me that “I’m not with him..” look I took this as my cue to leave.