Is He or She Playing Hard to Get?

Have you ever wondered if he or she is playing hard to get or not. Try answering this little quiz I made up

Ever wonder

1. Your eyes meet across a crowded room. He or she:

A. Meets your gaze, blushes, and looks down at the feet.

B. Stares straight through you as if he or she doesn’t see you.

C. Meets your gaze and then pretends to be checking someone else out.

D. Rolls his or her eyes at the sight of you.

2. You try to introduce yourself. He or she:

A. Smiles bashfully.

B. Runs across the room and gets best friend to pretend he or she is a spouse.

C. Introduces you to the person next to him or her.

D. Rolls his or her eyes.

3. You slept together and there has been no phone call since for:

A. Six hours.

B. One week

C. Two days.

D. Six months.

5. You drop by his or her house unexpectedly. He or she:

A. Says “What a nice surprise!” and invites you in.

B. Phones other people and make dates with them in front of you.

C. Invites you in and makes you wash the floors and do the dishes.

D. Is in the middle of their wedding reception to someone else.

5. You haven’t seen each other for six months and run into each other in the street. He or she:

A. Hits you, cries and asks you why you haven’t called.

B. Introduces you to his or her new boyfriend.

C. Asks if you’ve been busy and tells you how busy he or she has been all these months.

D. Tries very hard to remember your name but can’t quite think of it.

Now calculate your score! A is 1 point, B is 3 points, C is 2 points and D is 5 points.

0-15 points – Beyond that shy, cool, bashful facade, this person is dying to ravish your body and slip that engagement ring on your finger.

15-20 points – Definitely playing hard to get. However his or her’s confidence is wavering because you are so attractive.

20 –25 points – Could take it or leave it, but mostly leave it.

25-30 – points Abandon hope all ye who enter here! This person is not interested in you at all.

Mr. Soft Core Art Film

I met an older man in the Starbucks the other day and he turned out to be a friend of a friend so I thought I would go out with him. I thought he was kind of neat as he was from Canada and was supposed to be some kind of documentary filmmaker. Also he was in town to do some film business and only here for a couple days.

He picked me up in his little rented car as I had agreed to let him take me to the movies. I wasn’t that surprised when he drove me downtown to an “alternative” theater but I was really surprised to determine that the movie we were seeing was some European soft-core porn with subtitles. Remember that film “Rochelle, Rochelle” from the Seinfeld episodes? It was like that.

I had to sit through eighty minutes of the worst moaning and groaning and pumping while this person watched this film with a smug look on his face. He never looked at me once. It was really embarrassed. He didn’t seem to care that I might be embraced. In fact I think he was enjoying my discomfort.

After the movie was over he didn’t say much but insisted that we go for dinner. He takes to me this pristine bar that serves tapes the size of your fingernail and huge designer martinis. After ordering for me, he kept trying to talk to me about the sex lives of people we knew and in particular the people that set his up. He then admitted to having an affair with one of my best male friend’s wife.

I was just listening to him prattle on and kept wondering if he was a sex addict while he kept ordering me martini after martini. He sure liked to talk about sex scenes I films. I know I shouldn’t have kept drinking but they were good appletinis. He kept trying to toast things to get me to drink more. It was really awful.

When the food finally came it was this awful Spanish stuff and the spicy martinis did not mix well the appletinis. I finally told him I really wasn’t feeling well and had to leave. As we were leaving the restaurant I felt the need to vomit! I had no control. Thankfully I was able to sort of hide behind the restaurant dumpster and spew my guts out.

After I was done throwing up I was surprised to find him still waiting for me. He seemed very marry as if he had accomplished some kind of mission. As we were driving I noticed that he was not driving in the right direction. He told me that he was planning to drive me to his place. Vomiting on the floor of his car changed his mind about that!

Anyhow I don’t know what to think about this weird Canadian except maybe the documentary he was making was actually about human wildlife. I am glad he has left town!

The Meaning of Gemstones

As Christmas is coming it might occur to some men out there to give jewelry as a gift for Christmas.

Below is a list of popular gemstones and their meaning. You can also wear these stones on your person to help dispel any problems you are having in personal relationships.

Sapphire: This stone, which is usually the color of the deep, blue sea, corresponds to the energies of the Archangel Michael. Michael protects you from forces antithetical to love such as violence and lust. The sapphire can help women select an appropriate husband.

Rose Quartz: This light pink crystal heals the heart and promotes a sense of self-appreciation, and self-love. It also helps you open your heart’s center so that you can give love, unconditionally without any expectation of a reward in return. It improves your mood and enhances feelings of joy.

Diamond: Diamonds have traditionally symbolized the commitment of one human being to another, but in this case they also symbolize a commitment to taking care of your Higher Self. The stone vibrates at a frequency that strengthens your intuitive abilities. It helps you perceive beyond surface appearance and understand the truth about another person.

Emerald: This brilliant green stone is used to restore balance. Healers use this an anti-stress stone and to restore harmony to troubled or split personalities. Traditionally, an emerald was also thought to help you learn lessons, so you don’t repeat mistakes in your love life. Its deep sea green color is reminiscent of the subconscious, so it can assist in the manifestation of appropriate relationships in your life.

Ruby: The blood red light of the ruby helps to dispel feelings of discouragement and self-doubt and infuse your heart, mind and aura with love. This is the stone to wear if you feel like you are drowning in self-pity. It dispels negative self-talk and is thought to increase confidence and beauty. . It can help you achieve a vibrant social life and attract the right friends.

Amethyst: This beautiful purple stone that helps you let go of past hurts and relationships. It will help you access the truth that will set you free. If you are a control freak, this is the gem that will help you ‘Let Go and Let God’. Amethysts help release fears and anxieties that might be lurking in your subconscious and preventing you from moving forward by bringing them to the surface. It helps release fear and anxiety and also reduces tension and stress in the body.

Clothing that feels nice against the skin such as muslins and silks also make great romantic gifts because they make your lover feel sexy. To put your love in the mood also think of giving them incense or candles made from such scents as vanilla, cherry or sandalwood.

He Was Going to Kill Himself

It’s nice to be wanted but I had no idea someone could want me so much that they wanted to kill myself. I would feel proud except he decided this after only being with me about half of an hour.

Lee was this genius computer programmer guy I met online and I did talk to him for a whole month before I decided to go out with him the day before yesterday. He was local because he only lives about an hour away. He was always talking about how wealthy he was so I was not surprised when he drove up in a big gold jaguar. However I was really aghast at his personal appearance. He was wearing very short pants, a checkered shirt and a bowling jacket. He needed a haircut and I don’t think his socks matched. He was also wearing high top running shoes, which was a little young for him considering he is supposed to be about thirty-seven.

As Lee is Chinese he wanted to take me to the best Chinese restaurant in town which is a buffet that cost him about six bucks. I was a bit surprised because he was always going on about how rich he is. However he made up for it a bit by constantly telling me how beautiful he was.

As soon as we were done drinking our Chinese tea he asked me immediately if I wanted to get married. I thought he was joking so I started laughing but this turned out to be a big mistake. I really hurt his feelings. He started screaming about how I was like all the other girls who told him he was not good enough and that laughed at him. He then started to go on about the type of man I would really want to be with which is much younger than him, stupid and of course white. Basically he was accusing me of being a racist.

When I told him that I was going to leave because I was insulted by what he was saying he then began to cry and tell me that he was going to kill himself because nobody wanted him and that I was his last chance and that I was the only person he had ever emotionally connected to etc. etc. He also kept calling himself ugly, which was definitely not true so I kept patting his hand and telling him he would be okay but he just wouldn’t listen.

I then left the restaurant and called a cab hurriedly on my cell phone. While waiting he appeared on the curb and told me to come to the car because he had a gift for me in there. I kept refusing and then he got angry.

Then to my utmost surprise he opened the back trunk and pulled out a blow up doll. While glaring at me the whole time he stuffed her into the front seat of the Jaguar. He kept yelling “You will never find anyone better than me!”

Of course I started laughing, but later I had visions of him stabbing the doll to death because he was mad at me and it was a little disquieting.