The Dentist Who Is A Sex Addict

What is it with dentists? Why are they all sex addicts? I have gone out with two dentists so far and had the most toxic experience with each.

The first one was this guy named Paul, who was an implantologist from Toronto with a thriving practice. He was quite a bit older than me and I knew he had kids but he told me he was divorced.

Phil and I go out to art openings and have fancy dinners and we have sex every which way is possible. Then after three weeks of I love you and passionate love making he just stops calling.

After a few civilized and then frantic calls to his office I then end up calling him at home. Instead of a call back I get an email saying that I had made too much of everything and that he was happy with his wife. This sent me into a depression for weeks on end. I probably never cried so much over a man as I did with this dentist Paul who I considered to be the love of my life.

I probably shouldn’t have opted to see yet another dentist but I was just so lonely. I had even been warned this one is a sex addict but I still did not control my impulses. He was also good looking, handsome and very rich. He was my second implantoligist and his name was Mark.

This guy also had a practice in Toronto and a woman who was his ex wife and secretary. He also had two girls from Somalia there that working as his assistants and he said that they were his daughters.

So what happens? After weeks of bliss and even a trip to Dubai for him to find better-heeled patients from the Arab World he invites me back to his house, which is supposed to be his own personal Shangri-la. They’re lying naked and making out with each other among the velvet cushions and Koi pond complete with splashing waterfalls are his ex wife and his two supposed daughters. He then told me that they were adopted and that is why he is allowed to have sex with them.

I got out of there but my reward was a punishing and brutal silence. I did not get an explanation, apology or even a begging to try it again.

In retrospect I realize that both of these dentists were real sex addicts. In fact I found out recently that foursome reason it is quite common in that profession. Apparently having lots of sex helps them boost their confidence and arrogance so they can get their jobs all day. It also helps them relieve all of the depression and tension that is apparently the result of looking inside someone’s mouth all day. In fact if you have a dentist sex addict story of some kind I would really like to hear about it.

Getting Him To Call You

One of the secrets to being a successful at dating is not to get as many numbers as you can but instead to give out your number as much as possible. You don’t want to sit at home calling men all day. Let them call you!

Getting the man to call you is one of the most effective things that you can do to keep him hooked on you. This is because the person who is called has more personal power in a relationship than the person who is doing the calling. Let hemi chase you and not the other way around.

In order to accomplish this you first need to get rid of the delusion that you are somehow not in control if you do not have the man’s number.

So what if he calls you and you happen to change your mind or not be interested. Simply either ignore the call or tell him gently that you are no longer interested.

Here are five tips for getting a man’s number and responding to her call.

1. Make up a calling card.

A calling card is a little different than a business card. A business card just has your name and phone number on it. Make sure it is elegant and don’t let amen that you like leaving your company without making sure he has one and puts it in her first.

2. Approach men you like fast!

Be swift, charming and don’t give her the chance to opt out of the conversation. Be confident and lead the conversation by asking questions about him. Don’t talk about your self and while you are talking get out your calling card and make sure it ends up in her hand, pocket or purse.

3. Be unavailable.

When he does call do not return the call immediately. Let her wait two or three days.

This creates a sense of anticipation and she may be thinking that you have options with other men. This plays with her natural hard-wired instinct to be jealous.

4. Pet him on the head for calling.

If she does call and you like him make sure she knows how impressed you are that she has taken the initiative. Sound really happy to hear from her as if it is a pleasant surprise and you have been waiting until you have a moment to talk to her.

This will make her feel like he is in control of the relationship and more confident about going to bed with you when the time comes.

One of the new problems as a successful Lilith is time management, be careful what you wish for. It’s important to plan ahead for success by using techniques like ‘giving out your number’ and ‘having dates at your place’. You need to train yourself now, and get used to it, before you acquire any more bad habits such as forgetting to do the laundry in case a man comes over.

You will also need to prioritize your phone calls and set up an answering machine because you may get more phone calls then you can possibly handle! This has happened to me many times and turned my life into love life into something that practically requires project management.

Hard Wired Instincts

You have probably heard again and again how men have hard wired instincts, how they are like alpha dogs and they only want one thing – sex!

Men don’t know it but women’s self help books on attraction, dating and hooking a man are filled with descriptions of us as being helpless victims of our instincts. Men’s hard-wired instincts are more famous. Every woman knows they have to be trained and disciplined like dogs or else we will attempt to have sex with anything that moves. It might be true but you don’t have to let yourself be manipulated because of it. If a man had his way he would have sex with as many women as without having to marry a single one of them.

Oh I am sure that when some find the right woman he will marry her but that opportunity doesn’t seem to naturally present it self that often. In the meantime many men are quite happy to play the field and date as many women as often as they want and as often as they please. As a woman I am not going to argue too much with this even though I hate it because what can I do about it? Men act like dogs and it is futile for me to fight that.

So how are some men able to do this even though they are uglier than sin? How are some of these men able to convince hundreds of women that I am the best thing since James Bond with a martini in a hot tub?

It is important to realize that women have hardwired instincts too – urges that they can’t seem to help. One of them is that woman want what other women want. Notice how no woman wants a guy that is not already somehow “taken.” This is the woman’s hard-wired instinct at work.

There is some really hard research to back up this theory. Long ago when we were cave people many women simply died in childbirth. Wild beasts while on the hunt would also eat males. The only way to keep mankind thriving was for a male to have multiple partners.

Have you ever wondered why the woman who has an unfaithful partner just seems to want him more and more? Watch women who have been dumped by men – they will obsess over just one guy and even ignore perfectly nice guys who approach them while savoring the memory of this one jerk who has betrayed them again and again.

So why do women do this? Why do they love the bastard and treat the nice guy like a piece of gum on the bottom of their stiletto shoe.

It is because women are hard wired to see the unfaithful male as the strongest male in the human herd. Sad but true. Just keeping this one principle in mind – woman want what other woman — can go a long way towards helping you feed the most God awful of men the delusion that you are the greatest thing since George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Antonio Banderas all rolled up into one.

Is It Time for a Dating Service?

I have gotten really busy again and am courting the idea of a dating service. Not too many single people have the time or energy to hang out at the libraries,laundromats or clubs where the old fashioned etiquette books have always advised us to go to meet the love of our lives. Perhaps that’s why more people than ever are using dating and introduction services.

Using one of these services eliminates the bother of dealing with the modern inconvenience of recovering from a hangover after a long night of waiting around all night in a smoky bar hoping to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right.

Also, using an introduction service is much safer for women. Your best bet is to find a hands-on matchmaking service that screens their male candidates and checks their background for such things as marital status, financial solvency and criminality. Using an introduction service is also much safer than meeting someone through a free dating service on the Internet. Your chances of meeting a jerk through there are just as high as if you had gone into a sleazy bar, as anyone can lie about their history when they submit their personality profiles on-line.

According to a study called Dating and the Internet by Ian Nethercott, more and more of us are becoming disillusioned with such societal ills as alcoholism and infidelity and during the nineties turned to more and more to our computers to find a mate. The failure of the Internet to produce anything but even more illusions about love has renewed singles’ interest in old-fashioned match-making services. I used to think that using an introduction service was an

outrageous idea, that is, until my best friend from high school met her husband.

If you think this is too off-the-wall for you, think about how dating is done in Japan, where men currently pay 20.00 to put their personality profile and phone numbers into a vending machine called The Happy Guy and the women pay $2.00 to retrieve them. Also, in Japan, they are selling a gadget that is worn

around single people’s neck. If the two of you are in the same room, the gadgets beep and communicate with each other to identify your eligibility.

I keep thinking that I might try one of these one day soon. I don’t have a lot of money being younger and all but I was heartened to hear through the grapevine that many of them are free for women. However the ones that usually get people a real mate tend to make both sexes pay through the nose for their services. If you want to believe what these services have to say about themselves paying the extra money is worth it because their success rate is higher.