Is It Water Loss or Weight Loss?

It’s January so it is time to be concerned about weight loss because you have to look all slim and beautiful for that date. The thing is most of the products sold online is that they do not help you lose fat. They only cause you to lose water. The loss is temporary and doesn’t include any fat. Diuretics can promote dangerous dehydration and cardiac problems. As soon as the body is dehydrated, the weight returns. Meaningful weight loss requires loss of body fat not water.

One sure way to tell that you are dealing with a weight loss product that is a diuretic is if it makes outrageous promises, such as “Lose Ten Pounds a Week” or “Lose Ten Pounds in Three Days.” This is only possible if you are going to lose water weight.

You can also figure out what products are diuretics by looking at the ingredients, which according to the FDA must be listed from the most to the least. One of the biggest culprits is caffeine. Caffeine may be listed on the box as a main ingredient or it may be concealed in an ingredient such as green tea.

Most magical weight loss formulas (and especially those that are marketed as Chinese or miracle weight loss teas) contain herbs that act as diuretics. There is no such thing as a “fat burning herb” only herbs and botanicals that cause an increase in heart rate, breathing and other functions. This is not “fat burning” it is simply stress for the body that may trigger it to burn more calories.

Here is a breakdown of some of the most common herbs that are described as fat burning or weight loss miracles but that are actually diuretics.

Bochum. This herb is native to South Africa and is a powerful diuretic. Its main side effect is dehydration and the symptoms that come with it such as dizziness and fatigue

Dandelion – One of the safest diuretics, dandelion contains two diuretic chemicals, eudesmanolides and germacranolides, as well as the mineral potassium, which helps to regulate water balance

Horse Chestnut. Horse Chestnut is an old remedy for individuals with blood pressure problems and for varicose veins. It is a powerful diuretic that should never be used more than a day or two. Its main side effect is dehydration.

Kola Nut – This is a powerful diuretic that is not to be trifled with. The side effects are excessive thirst, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, frequent urination, urges to go on an empty bladder, over stimulation, mania and insomnia.

Uva Ursi. Uva Ursi is traditionally used to treat bladder infections by increasing urine output. Side effects include frequent urination, urges to go and dehydration.

The weight loss herb Hoodia is also classified as a diuretic. Drinking half your body weight in ounces a day of water will aid your metabolism in breaking down fat cells and flushing out toxins.

If you must take a diuretic, beware of carbonated sodas and caffeinated beverages; they may cause stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea or cause further dehydration while taking these kinds of weight loss supplement formulas.