Remember You Are The Prize

When you are dating it is women that do not think much of themselves in the first place who lose. You need to believe that you already have a greater level of success before you even leave the house for a date. Unfortunately many women leave the house to go to a singles bar or try to find a date with this I am a loser mentality. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because it is a turn off.

Girls tart acting like you’re invincible. In other words, you should be walking around like it’s already happening to you. Walk in like you own the place and if you’re not going to talk to men right away, then be committed to a conversation with a friend.

Men can’t stand it when you’re looking directly at a friend and talking and not scanning the room like every other guy. It makes you stand out. It builds attraction. They become jealous. It is something really Neanderthal and jealous in them that makes them want to be number one.

This means looking occupied and committed when you talk to men. Any men. This is so that by the time you interact with them they are already attracted. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. If you keep it fun short and firefly it will drive them even crazier. Before you know it men will start lining up to talk to you.

This is because you will be doing what most women can’t do because they are so desperate. Most other girls were looking around the room for targets – the single guy –when they wake in the room. All we did was have a committed conversation and have fun. No work, lots of return.

You saw how being friendly gets you everywhere and can turn any evening into an extraordinary one. Just by having this confidence and relaxed attitude, women will approach you and do all the work. If you’re friendly and ask questions you won’t have to worry about what to say next. They’ll do all the talking.

Remember, simple is better than complicated. “What’s up?” “What’s happening over here?”, “Why haven’t you called me?” or “I’m your dancer” always works better than a long, drawn out, story. It’s as if you’re not hitting on them. This causes them to lower their defenses and they don’t see you coming until they’re already attracted.

Act as if this is already your life. I can see it inside of you; it’s lying right below the surface. You deserve this life where men adore you, want you and must have you. The more that you maintain this sort of attitude which is very hard for women to do as we are taught from birth to be demure and to hang our heads and be shame based the more he is going to see you as exceptional and as a trophy that must be won.

Remember, you’re the prize!



I tried out some candles last night. I didn’t use regular candles I used Massage Candles. The soy wax melts into oil at a low, skin-safe temperature. It doesn’t burn you and is very sexy. The candle massage oil was a million time better than the Nivea lotion I usually use for massages.


Stop Saying You Are Fat

Ladies you are lying through your teeth all over the dating sites on the Internet again. Studies and first person anecdotes all over the web are saying that tons of women are claiming to be skinny when they are building like brick you know what houses. You are putting up pictures of yourself where you look really thin or even worse really old picots.

Many males say they feel like they are typical or shallow but they are sick of being fooled by women who say they are thin when really they are not. In fact misrepresenting your weight and body type has become a real art for some women. Why you would want to do this to them is a mystery to the men who do not appreciate the distortion of the facts especially when they are repulsed completely by big flabby women. They end up having to suffer through a date with you to be polite (and some do not even bother to do that.)

The problem seems to be with the automatic fill in fields in which you might be required to check a box that identifies your body type. All of these women represent themselves as “average” in size when really they are plus size. Some men go out on date after successive date with women who have said they are small framed or thin and have things hanging, bulging and drooping every where. Here’s a clue – if you have pouches of fat hanging over your kneecaps you are not “average.”

A male friend of mine was complaining about how some women were identifying average lately and I suggested to him that maybe there are a lot of women out there now that that thing 5 foot 4 at eighty pounds is the new average. Many men think about 5’7 and 130 pounds should be the average but this does not reflect how large American women have become in the past ten years.

Conversely women have the same problem only it is usually a man that lists their age as 25 when they are clearly in their mid thirties. Sometimes is really bad. You can see a chicken wattle beneath the man’s neck in his picture on his profile as he stands there wearing his white shoes next to his red corvette.

You know if you are a really fat woman there are many sites online that specialize in matching up plus size women with the men that adore them. Mostly these men are from Asian and Eastern cultures where a heavier woman is more adored. However this will spare you all the trouble of becoming emotionally upset when the man that thinks you are too fat rejects you.

Don’t Let the Losers Get You Down

Whenever something bad happens to you; whether it is work related or relationship related do you spend the next few hours weeks or months beating yourself up about it? This is one way to make rejection form men way too important.

If a reject is work, social or relationship related; do you spend the next few hours, days, weeks, months (or a lifetime) beating yourself up about it? I have good news! You can stop being this way right now.


Simple. Choose not to react in your old habitual ways. Stop your automatic tendency to make it all about you. It is not about you.

No one is holding a gun to your head. You can make the choice to NOT let bad things affect you and essentially give up this self-defeating behavior.

I know this will come as a complete surprise to some of you. I know it did for me. Look at your negative responses and how you continue to dwell on them and I think you’ll be shocked to learn that this serves no real purpose. Once you realize

this, then you can begin to reverse the process.

A guy friend recently told me a story that illustrates this point perfectly:

He walked up to a girl in a group and said,

“I saw you staring at me (she actually wasn’t) so

I thought I’d come over and introduce myself.”

She blew him off immediately. So, without missing

a beat, he turned to one of her friends and said,

“How are YOU doin?”

She says,


They talk for a minute, he takes her over to a couch and they start making out. A few minutes later, the girl who blew him off comes over, sits down and wants to have a group kiss…then they ask him to leave with them.

This is because women always want what other women want. I can tell you this is true because I have gone out with some real jerks and nobody has ever even looked twice at them until they have appeared on my arm. This is true of guys who are not good looking, guys with a lousy job and guys who stammer and stutter.

When you suffer from events that are beyond your control, it makes your suffering much worse if you regard yourself as a victim. Since most of your emotional experiences are the direct result of how you interpret and personalize the events in your own lives, the important factor is the skill with

Which you handle your own response. It’s your own choice how you respond.

The key is to revise your attitude to blame things more on the situation rather than take the entire rap yourself. Give yourself a break. You can’t help it if one guy is an arrogant jerk, the next one a sex addict and the one after that a non-committing type. Don’t make a drama out of each and every dating disaster and you will be much better off.

Try it and let me know what happens!