Weight Loss Magic Pill?

You might wonder why I am so interested in a weight loss drug without side effects. Well it is not for me because I am naturally kind of skinny. I have been hoping that this kind of magic pill would be invented for ages for my overweight friends. They need a pill bad because the only thing that works for them when it comes to losing weight is smoking about a pack and a half of cigarettes a day. Unfortunately when any of them stop smoking they always gain back twenty pounds and it is truly horrific for them. That twenty pounds can mean the difference between getting a job or not, or a date or not and a lot more. I don’t care what everybody says about Jennifer Lopez’s big butt legitimizing the plus size girl and all that. Everywhere I look “thin is in.”

The problem with previous weight loss drugs is that they have all had serious side effects. You could become very nervous, ruin your intestines or drop dead from a heart attack. Seizures were a risk if you took ephedrine. You could die from dehydration drinking some of those so-called Chinese diet teas. Many prescription weight loss drugs on the market can also cause something called anal leakage (I don’t want to go there.) Taking these drugs is has made obese individuals even sicker and putting them at even greater risk of developing diseases like cancer and heart disease.

So I was kind of happy to read this article in Medical News Today, by Dr. Nir Barak of the Tel Aviv University School of Medicine. He has a team that has developed a drug called Histalean, which is based on a previous drug called Betahistamine. Betahistamine is traditionally used to treat vertigo but it is found that it chemically contains compounds that can help block cravings (the same way the drug blocks the sensation of dizziness.) The result is that there is a great potential for weight loss and hundreds of lives could be saved everywhere.

This new medication could also allow fat people who could never exercise before to get an initial boosting work out so that they feel encouraged to work out or stick to a diet plan. Even if people were on it for a short time they could be greatly encouraged by an initial large loss. Unfortunately after many young women quit smoking they blow right up and then fall into a deep depression when they can’t see immediate results from exercising and dieting. Losing two pounds a week can be a slow and unrewarding process for many!

I actually think its main benefit could be to get millions of women off of the cancer sticks. I think the cigarette industry is more than aware of the weight loss attributes of smoking cigarettes and that is why they are marketed to so many young women.

Gemstones for Attracting Love

I ran across this interesting article by Samantha Stevens, author of Creating Love and with her permission I have a list here of the types of gemstones that you can wear or carry to attract love.

Sapphire: This stone protects you from forces antithetical to love such as violence and lust. The sapphire can help women select an appropriate husband.

Yellow Topaz: This clear yellow gem is the ‘problem-solving stone’. This stone is also good for those who feel ‘numbed by disappointment’. It allows codependents to release drunken or abusive partners. It can also help obsessive people learn to let go. It helps you recognize your patterns and see the ‘big picture’ in life.

Rose Quartz: This light pink crystal heals the heart and promotes a sense of self-appreciation, and self-love. It also helps you open your heart’s center so that you can give love, unconditionally without any expectation of a reward in return. It improves your mood and enhances feelings of joy.

Diamond: Diamonds have traditionally symbolized the commitment of one human being to another. It helps you perceive beyond surface appearance and understand the truth about another person.

Emerald: This brilliant green stone is used to help you learn lessons, so you don’t repeat mistakes in your love life. Its deep sea green color is reminiscent of the subconscious, so it can assist in the manifestation of appropriate relationships in your life.

Ruby: The blood red light of the ruby helps to dispel feelings of discouragement and self-doubt and infuse your heart, mind and aura with love.

It can help you achieve a vibrant social life and attract the right friends.

Amethyst: This beautiful purple stone that helps you let go of past hurts and relationships. It will help you access the truth that will set you free.

As not everyone can afford rubies, sapphires and diamonds, there are also many semi-precious stones out there that also raise your vibration to attract prosperity.

Agate: strengthens your insight, promotes fidelity

Aquamarine: activates memory of past lives so we don’t repeat mistakes

Carnelian: dispels laziness, rage, jealousy, envy and fear

Garnet: love, devotion, commitment, gets rid of feelings of abandonment,

Hematite: transforms negative energy to the positive, attracts love

Jade: fidelity, devotion, love-drawing, lucid dreaming, intuition,

Lapis Lazuli: awareness, intuition, cures depression, love attracting

Mica: beauty for eyes and hair.

Moonstone: new beginnings, hoping, wishing, tenderness, compassion, mercy

Obsidian: grounding, protection, dispels obsessions, raises self-esteem

Onyx: banishes grief, increases self-control, making wise choices

Opal: brings out the best in you, acting from the heart, invoking visions, dreams,

Pearl: faith, charity, innocence integrity, spiritual guidance, increases fertility

Peridot: attracts friends, cleanses heart, happiness

Quartz (clear): balances energy field restores harmony, intuition,

Quartz (rose): attracts love, heals emotional wounds, opens heart center and clears skin

Quartz (smoky): dissolves negative energies, resentment, enhances self-esteem

Samantha’s excellent books on metaphysics and love are available on Amazon. You can also get a love reading from her on Kasamba. Just type Samantha Stevens into the search engine at kasamba.com and she will give you a love or dating psychic reading.

Medical Treatment for Angry Men

All of this writing I have been doing about male anger inspired a reader to ask me a very good question. “Is there any medical treatment available for men who are chronically angry?”

This is an interesting question as there are many women out there who continue to stay with a guy even if he is a beater or even just a woman like me who has had to reluctantly drop a guy she really likes because he can’t handle himself.

So are there magic bullets out there that can handle this? It depends if the person has a treatable disorder that has anger as a symptom. Some of the most common of these disorders are Attention Deficit Disorder, addiction and withdrawal and a plethora of psychological disorders including manic depression, post-partum depression and personality disorders.

Usually aggression is part of any disease or disorder that causes a mood disorder. Such individuals become angry because they have a problem that causes them to overreact to stimuli. Damaged nerves or an overproduction of certain chemicals in the body could cause this. In these cases it is usually medications that are prescribed by doctors.

Sexual frustration is also associated with aggression, especially amongst adolescents. Interaction with a female with whom an adult male is infatuated may precipitate aggression. Usually psychological counseling is recommended for individuals who suffer from aggression.

When medication is prescribed for anger it is usually a psychotropic. The choice of medication for treatment of aggression depends on what the underlying symptoms are. For instance, if the child or adolescent has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the aggression stems from impulsive behavior, then the use of stimulants such as Ritalin or Adderall might help.

If the angry emotional reaction behavior is marked by hyperarousal then sedative drugs such as clonidine or guanfacine (Tenex), which decrease something called norepinephrine levels. This have an overall calming effect.

If anxiety is the main problem and aggression occurs in situations which escalate anxiety, treatment with a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) such as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil or Celexa. These drugs decrease anxiety, aggression, obsessive/compulsive behavior and smooth out irritability or minor mood fluctuations

If more severe mood instability occurs in association with aggression, then doctors and psychiatrists usually prescribe a mood stabilizer Anticonvulsant agents such as Tegretol, Depakene or Depakote are very effective mood stabilizers, but they are hard on the liver. Lithium is another commonly prescribed mood stabilizer, especially for manic depressives who are irritable and hyperstimulated in the manic phase of the disease.

If none of the above seems to work, the angry and aggressive individual may be prescribed on of the many T new atypical antipsychotic agents such as Seroquel or Topmax. Not sure I vouch for any of this. I think me should just control themselves.

Dealing with Unhealthy Angry Types

Dealing With Unhealthy Anger

No wonder women are afraid to say no. I just dealt with another guy on the Internet who decided to blow up at me because I made the adult choice of not wanting to continue to meet him in person anymore.

Guys (and girls too) the dating world is full of rejection. Here are some keys as to how to deal with all of the rejection – It is your responsibility to handle your anger no matter how unjust the world is being to you. Even a moderate amount of expressed anger is thought to be immature and uncivilized in our society no matter how great the frustration, threat or violation that triggered it. Being calm, in control and turning the other cheek is considered to be most socially acceptable. It is also considered by many to be the right thing to do spiritually.

Unfortunately the consequence of this is usually outbursts of suppressed anger that often takes the form of violent behavior or misdirected anger. This anger that is constantly suppressed by social mores and other conditions leads to persistent negative thoughts, nightmares and even physical conditions like ulcers, headaches and high blood pressure.

Not only is managing your anger essential to maintaining your physical health it is also crucial to your mental health. Bottled up anger can be the battery that keeps a clinical depression ticking for decades. It can be the impulse behind suicide or even passive forms of suicide such as cigarette smoking, eating badly and neglecting health care.

A long-term sustenance of anger can also set up a vicious cycle of anger feeding self-hatred and feeding more anger. Anger turned inward is very self-destructive and often leads to depression. In fact one of the most common definitions of depression is “anger turned inwards.”

There are a lot of vile social consequences to living your life as a chronically angry person. Angry people tend to grow up believing that if they are hurt or abused, there are merely two options available, which are self-blame and denial of blame. This of course leads to distorted thinking and judgments.

Angry people have one major thing in common. Their personal relationships are often unhappy and seem naturally unlucky. They spend a lot of time cursing others and then are surprised when those curses come home to roost.

Another dangerous side effect of anger is that it can fuel obsessions, phobias and addictions. Obsessions and phobias arise from situations when, for some reason or another, we feel we are either losing control of ourselves or the world around us.

People can also be physically addicted to the adrenalin and brain chemicals that are produced by living in a state of anger. They will actually seek out something to get angry about so they can experience the “high” that they get from being angry. It becomes a power trip with a feeling of elation as a payoff.

As a result of their unhealthy anger, this type of depressed person may not get promotions, social invitations or the opportunity to engage in love.