When a Celebrity Steals Your Man

It is bad enough when just any old girl steals your boyfriend but it really hurts when it is a celebrity. That is because celebrities have so much power. They have money too and they can do things to really hurt you if you just try and do something like contact like the guy. They can also accuse you of stalking because of their celebrity status which is quite grotesque if all you are trying to do is get him to pay his electric bill or back rent.

A friend of my older sister’s recently had her boyfriend stolen by a celebrity and she is such a witch I would never mention her name here. In fact it was more than just her boyfriend it was her husband and she had two kids by him. Both him and her are in their late thirties and mildly successful at acting. Well, he happened to have a part as an extra in a movie this starlet was appearing in and somehow he fell for her charms. Her charms are few by the way. She is one of those actresses who has a famous television film producer for a father and only has a career because Daddy gave her a part in his telegrams. Furthermore she is also one of the richest girls in the world and grew up in a home so pampered that her mother kept not one, but two rooms in which the two of them would wrap presents.

My friend’s husband never told her about the affair he was having an affair with this blonde haired bimbo of an actress (who I think has the face of a horse). She found out by seeing pictures of them getting tattoos with each other’s names and portraits in a local tabloid. Once those came out he refused to talk to her from the film location. After that all she looked at was pictures of stolen kisses taken by paparazzi. That just had to hurt.

I think that if a major celebrity steals your man and that if they have a lot of money that they should at the very least pay you off. Here is our friend who is a single mom raising two kids while her deadbeat husband goes off with this poor little rich girl who is now pregnant and featuring the two of them in a reality series. There is no thought at all to the pain she is cueing others, especially these two young children. She needs to pay the wife and kids their living expenses. Their mother, who is an actress in her own right but not as famous because she is Canadian is now deeply depressed and finding it hard to work. Little Miss L.A. Nepotism needs to pay for that.

What kind of Christmas does this rich actress thing the three of them (his real family) had without their Dad on the scene? What is even worse is that on her reality television we all have to look at this two faced man stealer with her swollen breasts and pregnant stomach. What a cow!

Is He or She Playing Hard to Get?

Have you ever wondered if he or she is playing hard to get or not. Try answering this little quiz I made up

Ever wonder

1. Your eyes meet across a crowded room. He or she:

A. Meets your gaze, blushes, and looks down at the feet.

B. Stares straight through you as if he or she doesn’t see you.

C. Meets your gaze and then pretends to be checking someone else out.

D. Rolls his or her eyes at the sight of you.

2. You try to introduce yourself. He or she:

A. Smiles bashfully.

B. Runs across the room and gets best friend to pretend he or she is a spouse.

C. Introduces you to the person next to him or her.

D. Rolls his or her eyes.

3. You slept together and there has been no phone call since for:

A. Six hours.

B. One week

C. Two days.

D. Six months.

5. You drop by his or her house unexpectedly. He or she:

A. Says “What a nice surprise!” and invites you in.

B. Phones other people and make dates with them in front of you.

C. Invites you in and makes you wash the floors and do the dishes.

D. Is in the middle of their wedding reception to someone else.

5. You haven’t seen each other for six months and run into each other in the street. He or she:

A. Hits you, cries and asks you why you haven’t called.

B. Introduces you to his or her new boyfriend.

C. Asks if you’ve been busy and tells you how busy he or she has been all these months.

D. Tries very hard to remember your name but can’t quite think of it.

Now calculate your score! A is 1 point, B is 3 points, C is 2 points and D is 5 points.

0-15 points – Beyond that shy, cool, bashful facade, this person is dying to ravish your body and slip that engagement ring on your finger.

15-20 points – Definitely playing hard to get. However his or her’s confidence is wavering because you are so attractive.

20 –25 points – Could take it or leave it, but mostly leave it.

25-30 – points Abandon hope all ye who enter here! This person is not interested in you at all.

His Ex Lives In My Building

I started talking to this guy online recently. He sent me a picture of himself and he seemed very cute. I knew that he lived close where to I do as a lot of our online chat was about the local neighbourhood and we also frequently discussed the irony of how we never seemed to run into each other. We also had a few acquaintances in common so I thought it was safe to ask him to pick me up.

When he pulled up in his sports car I was really pleased at what I saw. He looked exactly like he did in his online picture and he was really cute. However I could not figure out why he looked so upset. Instead of coming up the laneway towards my apartment he pulled out a cell phone and was calling someone.

My phone rang. When I answered it he told me in a really embarrassed tone that he did not know how to tell me this but he wasn’t allowed to come into my building. He said his ex lived in the apartment complex and that she had a restraining order against him so I would have to come out to the car by myself. He wasn’t even allowed to come on the property.

I know. I know. I should have hung up at the words “restraining order” but I just didn’t feel like I could take one more disappointment. I go downstairs and I get into his car. He is sort of slouched down inside of it like he is hiding from her view.

We talk about where we would like to go and then he tells me he wants to get as far away from my neighborhood as possible. I agree. Then I find out that he does not know the neighborhood at all and only knows it because his ex lives in my building.

So he starts driving and we end up at a little cheap Mexican restaurant on the other side of town. Nothing at all seems that wrong except that he seems really nervous and keeps encouraging me to down Margheritas. After making the usual small talk I finally worked up the courage to ask him a little more about his ex.

That’s when he tells me that she is not really an ex and that they were not really together but they should have been. In fact he went into a very long story that included descriptions of the two times he went to jail for just sending her flowers and phoning.

I soon realized I was having dinner with a serious stalker.

Thankfully I got out of the date okay but of course now I am on edge wondering if he might stalk me too. I tried to talk to the woman I think is his ex about it but each time I see her she is with her boyfriend and I don’t want to embarrass him. Hopefully he will just take the hint and leave me alone as I am not answering his calls.

Mr. Whatever

Have you ever gone out with one of those “whatever” guys? No matter what you ask them to do they just go “whatever.” It is the height of romantic nihilism and I think in terms of relationships, the height of irresponsibility and emotionally cold and unavailable. Whatever happened to the guy that is strong, determined and able to make decisions. I’m not asking for Prince Charming but I do like to be swept off of my feet sometimes.

I have been seeing this one guy on and off for a few months and the reason he will never become a boyfriend of mine for real is because he is a “whatever” guy. For instance the other night I was feeling kind of lonely and figured I would call Whatever Guy up to see if he just wanted to go hang around somewhere at a beachside café and maybe get something to eat.

So I phone him and say, “So what are you up to?” I am always nice and casual with no pressure and he says “Watching Seinfeld reruns.” Of course he never asks me what I have been up to. That is how Mr. Whatever lets me know that he could care less.

I then tell him that I thinking of going and hanging around on the beachfront and maybe getting a cup of coffee or something to eat and he says “I just had a cup of coffee.”

Even more disconcerting about this whole conversation is that I think that he was very much enraptured by the Seinfeld episode he was watching. So I say, “well you don’t have to have coffee you can have beer or wine or something else.”

This is his cue to say “whatever.”

When I then ask him what time he wants to meet he also says “whatever.”

Just as I am starting to get the feeling that he just doesn’t want to see me at all he turns it around and goes – “Which restaurant.”

I am not sure what I think of Mr. Whatever’s manner. My female friends say he is depressed and apathetic. My male friends here however say that he is not shy, or undecided or passive aggressive or anything like that. They say that they use the words “whate3ver” when they don’t want to see someone and that he might just be agreeing to see me because he has nothing better to do with his time and is bored. The men say that it is code for “don’t get your hopes up.”

All I have to say about that is ‘Ouch!” I think my mother would say that I deserve something better then the ‘whatever” man but oddly I am attracted to him. There is nothing like someone not wanting you to make you want them more. This is especially true if you have already had sex with him. It is one of the crazy laws of the universe when it comes to love.