Secret Places To Find a Date

Why is it that some men always seem to have a pretty woman on their arm while others can’t even seem to ever have the date?

The secret is that these men know where to hang out to find the perfect date.

The worst place to try and find a date is on a some kind of dateless excursion that you are on yourself. For instance if you go to the local singles bar you are not going to find the perfect date because you are already mingling with other people who are unable to get a date. This means you are not looking at the cream of the crop.

Here are five secret places where you are most likely to find the date of your dreams …

1. A local coffee shop or café during the day.

Meeting a woman that is full of caffeine is better than meeting one that is full of alcohol. A woman that meets you when she is in her right mind is more likely to genuinely like you for who you really are rather than trying to grasp at straws for a bed mate at last call in a bar.

2. In a grocery store.

A grocery store is a warm friendly place where a woman feels secure. Your best tact in this case is to seem a bit helpless as if you don’t know which product to buy. Simply approach the woman that you are interested in and ask her for advice about what you should do. Women enjoy seeing men act helpless around things that should actually be in their jurisdiction. This can usually lead to a long conversation.

3. Crafts and cooking classes.

If you want to meet women, do what women do. One of the best places to meet them is in their domain. Take a class that you normally wouldn’t in jewelry making or pastry decorating. You are bound to meet a lot of women there.

4. In a park but bring your dog!

One of the best props you can carry as a single man looking for a date is a pet. Women love dogs and they will see you as being gentle.

5. Using online dating services.

If you are serious about finding as soul mate then it is worth putting a profile up on an online dating service like those listed at . The key is to get to know as many women as possible by sending them messages so they know you are interested and in the dating game. Make sure any messages that you do send them are witty, courteous and polite.

Reading Body Language

While on the casual date that you met on you can tell by looking at amen’s body language if she is likely to sleep with you or not.

You can also control your body language so it gives her the message that you are attracted to him.

As far as attraction goes, here’s how he gets the message from you:

· 55% is through body language

· 38% is the tone and speed of your voice

· only 7% is through what you say

It works the exact opposite of how you’ve been taught.

Is there any one posture that you should adopt while trying to pick up a man?

Lean back and cross your arms, but also lean in at the right times, pulling back as if you’re teasing him. You’re letting him know non-verbally that she has to convince you to be interested in her.

You can also gage his interest in you by observing the following body language –

1. He leans her body into yours.

Many omen unconsciously tilt their body in your direction when they are interested in you. Their knees and shoulders will be pointing at you or their fingers. Some men swivel their upper torso in towards you while crossing their legs.

2. He makes lots of eye contact.

If amen is interested he will make lots of eye contact with you. Sometimes if you try to make eye contact he will look away rapidly.

When you look into their eyes, everything you say sounds more important and means more to them. Remember, you’re trying to be unique. Visualize what most guys would do and do the exact opposite.

3. He blushes when you look at him.

If the man you are with is blushing a lot it means she is really attracted to you.

4. He plays with your personal items.

If a man is attracted to you she will do things like pick up your lighter or play with your fork in order to get your attention. He may even play with your sleeve. This can be a precursor to actually holding your hand.

5. He does not seem hungry.

If a man is sexually attracted to you she may have trouble eating in front of you. He may pick at her food and instead focus on talking to you or smoke a cigarette. Sexual arousal has the effect of cutting their appetitive. Also many men feel that they look unattractive when they are eating so they will not do it in front of someone they are trying to seduce. Women will do the same thing by the way. For some reason sexual arousal can just make you feel self-conscious about eating.

Usually if it is a man who is worth his salt he will make some kind of advance. The one I like best is when they put their hand on the small of your back as if to reassure you they will be there. It is a very respectful yet at the same time tender and sexual gesture.

Stop Saying You Are Fat

Ladies you are lying through your teeth all over the dating sites on the Internet again. Studies and first person anecdotes all over the web are saying that tons of women are claiming to be skinny when they are building like brick you know what houses. You are putting up pictures of yourself where you look really thin or even worse really old picots.

Many males say they feel like they are typical or shallow but they are sick of being fooled by women who say they are thin when really they are not. In fact misrepresenting your weight and body type has become a real art for some women. Why you would want to do this to them is a mystery to the men who do not appreciate the distortion of the facts especially when they are repulsed completely by big flabby women. They end up having to suffer through a date with you to be polite (and some do not even bother to do that.)

The problem seems to be with the automatic fill in fields in which you might be required to check a box that identifies your body type. All of these women represent themselves as “average” in size when really they are plus size. Some men go out on date after successive date with women who have said they are small framed or thin and have things hanging, bulging and drooping every where. Here’s a clue – if you have pouches of fat hanging over your kneecaps you are not “average.”

A male friend of mine was complaining about how some women were identifying average lately and I suggested to him that maybe there are a lot of women out there now that that thing 5 foot 4 at eighty pounds is the new average. Many men think about 5’7 and 130 pounds should be the average but this does not reflect how large American women have become in the past ten years.

Conversely women have the same problem only it is usually a man that lists their age as 25 when they are clearly in their mid thirties. Sometimes is really bad. You can see a chicken wattle beneath the man’s neck in his picture on his profile as he stands there wearing his white shoes next to his red corvette.

You know if you are a really fat woman there are many sites online that specialize in matching up plus size women with the men that adore them. Mostly these men are from Asian and Eastern cultures where a heavier woman is more adored. However this will spare you all the trouble of becoming emotionally upset when the man that thinks you are too fat rejects you.

He’s Not Ready For the Altar

I have a friend name Richard who is single and just wants to take it slow and get to know a person well before he has sex with them or considered marriage. Lately he tells me he is really overwhelmed by all the women he meets that want to have sex right away.

Richard has been doing the online dating thing for many months and he is trying to be cautious. He usually just asks them out for coffee or to hang out with him and his buddies and play pool. According to him that low key and friendly approach is having women perceive him as a family man. It might be because he is not that hot about having sex right away.

Women who get too close too soon and do things like mentally outfit them for the baby carrier and the wedding tux turn off men. Richard says this gets so bad that women try to drag him into domestic supply stores like Babies R US, Ikea and the Pottery Barn to see if he is husband material. He has also been taken into department stores where he has been subtly directed into the wedding gown sections (where one girl actually made him try to pick out bridesmaid dresses with him) and past the jeweler counter where the engagement rings are kept.

Richard’s message to women nowadays would be to “Relax Ladies. It’s called DATING. A man will let you know if he wants to marry you. He goes, buys a ring, gets down on his knees (well sometimes), asks you and then puts a ring on your finger. Before that day happens we are not to assume anything (according to Richard.)

It is not something that you can convince a guy to do no matter how rich your daddy is. Richard really made me laugh with some of his comments especially when he started singing – “You can’t hurry love, you just have to wait.” He is also quite fond of walking around spouting that fresher cliché “What is wrong with you. He is just not that into you!”

Richard is also sick of seeing dating profiles that are way too predictable online. They all look like they have been scooped out of the same Dating for Dummies book. He said that he is sick of reading about how a woman loves long walks, swimming and going to the movies. He is also sick of the “I can go from hiking boots to high heels in a flash” or “I am as comfortable in velvet as I am in denim.” He is also sick of women writing how they like to play pool with the boys only to find out that they can’t play at all. Still, I did point out that when the woman can’t play it gives him an ideal opportunity to put his arm around her.

So is Richard looking for a marriage partner? Yes he is he just has not found the right girl online yet.